
Hi! Welcome to my Neocities page!

My name is Killjoy (he/him), you can also call me Kil. I'm a bisexual digital artist, I like to design characters, write stories, listen to MCR and other emo bands, drink coffee and find new hobbies to work on once and then never again.

I made this page for funsies, as I love old web and Y2K aesthetics a lot. Not gonna say I was born in the wrong generation because that sounds a bit cringy, but idk I just have really good memories of the 2000's and adjacent things from it.

Take in mind that this page is a very incomplete work in progress I did in one afternoon only, so any kind of broken link might be due to that. I also don't plan on updating this site periodically, as I'm not too code-savyy and prefer to work on other stuff. However, I hope you can at least like how it looks! The theme was made by Repth, and their page is linked in the bottom right corner.


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